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Carcinoid A rare form of "slow-growing" neuroendocrine cancer

Susan Anderson - An advocate for Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Tumor Awareness

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                          FUN - INTERESTING - USEFUL LINKS          

 Updated: 27 April 2017


27 April 2017 this web site was 20 years old, the 1st by a Carcinoid patient!


There is HOPE for those diagnosed with Carcinoid/NETS. 

I've started my 23rd year of active, full life: May 10, 1995 -- May 10, 2017.

April 27, 2017 was the 20th anniversary of this page;
 the FIRST by a Carcinoid patient.


April 23, 2014 I began Dialysis every evening at home
due to being Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease.

My memoir book Becoming Sunny Susan is now available
softcover and ebook!  By Susan L. Anderson           

NEW -  
Click on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBZnPOGHf-8

to view the 90 second book trailer video from YouTube!

My story is one many of you can identify with – an uplifting look at a life that I am determined to live well, despite all the obstacles I have been dealt. At the heart of the story is the idea of LIVING with cancer. It took eight years to correctly diagnose my rare disease, Carcinoid/ Neuroendocrine Tumors. Then, they said I would die in just a few more years. That was 18 years ago, and here I am! How have I faired? Very well. Read the book to find out how I have lived a happy life, even with cancer.

Would you help to spread the positive word by telling your friends, by gifting the book, and by posting a review for other readers on the www.amazon.com  page? We know how valuable a positive recommendation can be.                                                           


               Logan Diving & Salvage (and marine construction - since 1947)
 in Jacksonville, FL & Catano, Puerto Rico
Our son Scott's site, he is the President.  
Many interesting pictures, most of which are of Scott, the tall blonde.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Wildlife cams for arm chair travel & relaxing!

The PUFFIN CAM overlooks a puffin loafing area at Seal Island NWR. The puffin cam operates from 7AM to 7PM EDT daily. The best times for viewing are mornings and early afternoons

The HOG ISLAND OSPREY CAM is located at the Hog Island Audubon Camp near Bremen, Maine. Hog Island is located within the National Audubon Society's 330-Acre Todd Wildlife Sanctuary. Six day birding, ornithology, and natural history programs for adults, teens, and families.

Pearls of the Planet - Beluga Whales, Vancouver, B.C.  Aquarium,, one of our favorites

 Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach, CA

Arctic Still Story: Environment

Live Penguin Cams, California Academy of Sciences

Monterey Bay Aquarium, California / Podcast, Videos & Web Cams

 * * * * * * * * * * * *

Useful, interesting, and/or fun sites that I enjoy, including: HUMOR, Birman cats, the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, travel planning, poetry, web cams for "arm chair travel", inspiration, quotes and good things to think about to get the day off to a positive start, and more. 

There is also a link to my husbands homepage with tutorials on "how to" and many deep-space astrophotographs he has taken, here in Arizona, other photographs of our beautiful western United States (including Alaska), and his photographs of many kinds of cactus in bloom, plus his tribute to Levi our very special Birman cat.  There is also a link to our son's page Logan Diving and Marine Construction (many very interesting pictures) (see link above).   Have added links to conservation of land, water, wildlife sites (see below) and links to Anderson Chavez Sporthorse Farm.  Many good links on Political Issue that are military and other useful sites for information.



“Ode to Noids”

Wonderful song by David in the UK

See and hear it on YouTube


* * * * * * * * * * * *
I "Sunny Susan" was invited to write a Blog
on the web site of the Arizona Republic
newspaper as they have liked letters I have
written to the editors over the years. 
March 26, 2008 was my first Blog.
I have written additional articles, but not
on a set schedule. 
Due to time I am no longer writing a Blog.

You may go to my Blog by clicking on the line below

* * * * * * * * * * * *


If you would like to see astrophotographs, and/or read how to take deep-space photographs, and/or see photographs of the beautiful western United States  (including Alaska and Arizona), and pictures of many kinds of cactus in bloom, then my husband Howard's site is the one to check:  http://www.astroshow.com

On my husband's second web site, new Aug. 2005, see: Time-lapse photography, Motion-detection photography, Planetary imaging (astronomy), Telescope control (Meade LX-200) and AVI movie editing:  http://www.azcendant.com/

Click on thumbnail photo below for a larger image.  Susan is a charter member of Red Chapeau Dames,  a chapter of The Red Hat Society. Click on "Arizona Red Hat web site" below to learn more -- gals who are 50 years young and want to have fun!   Susan with red hat and red boa Howard gave me for Christmas 2003


When I Am An Old Woman - Poem

Web Cams for "Arm Chair Travel"

Grand Teton National Park WY -

Town Square, Jackson Hole, WY -

Monterey Aquarium Streaming Webcams

Smithsonian National Zoological Park (Washington, D.C.) Streaming Webcams

Northern Arizona University Webcam (Humphries peak in background)

Yosemite National Park Webcam

Volcano Webcams (around the world)

NEW wildlife cams for arm chair travel & relaxing! addedd 7-1-12

The PUFFIN CAM overlooks a puffin loafing area at Seal Island NWR. The puffin cam operates from 7AM to 7PM EDT daily. The best times for viewing are mornings and early afternoons

The HOG ISLAND OSPREY CAM is located at the Hog Island Audubon Camp near Bremen, Maine. Hog Island is located within the National Audubon Society's 330-Acre Todd Wildlife Sanctuary. Six day birding, ornithology, and natural history programs for adults, teens, and families.

Pearls of the Planet - Beluga Whales, Vancouver, B.C.  Aquarium,, one of our favorites

 Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach, CA

Arctic Still Story: Environment

Live Penguin Cams, California Academy of Sciences

Monterey Bay Aquarium, California / Podcast, Videos & Web Cams

Four cats have resided with us in our home, the favorite was Levi a beautiful blue-eyed BIRMAN. Many people have not heard of this breed. There is a saying, "you have not been loved until you have been loved by a Birman".

Levi became gravely ill quite suddenly in mid August 1998.  We did all of the testing that five
DVM's recommended and learned he was suffering with a very aggressive form of  rare plasma
cell cancer.  After learning his diagnosis we made the very difficult decision to put Levi to sleep. 
This was done 13 Aug. 1998, while I held him in my arms.  My husband, Howard, has written
a tribute to Levi with pictures, we have placed this on my husbands home page and on mine. 
Click here to see more pictures and read more about Levi.

For pictures and interesting information about these very affectionate people loving cats see the links below.
Birman: The Sacred Cat of Burma
The Birman Home Page!

Logan Diving & Salvage (and marine construction - since 1947)
 in Jacksonville, FL & Catano, Puerto Rico
Our son Scott's site, he is the President.  
Many interesting pictures, most of which are of Scott, the tall blonde.

+ + + + + +  +  +
The Carcinoid Poem Click HERE
 Used with permission from the author
Leslie H. Sobin M.D., FRCPath

+ + + + + +  +  +

Planning a trip?  The following site has many kinds of very useful information
not only for RVers and campers, but anyone traveling across country. 
Click here: 
Travel planning

See the glass as half-full, not half-empty!  Sites for poetry, inspiration, quotes, good things to think about, and beautiful pictures to help us keep a POSITIVE outlook on life! 
Relax and spend some time with these inspirational sites!

Motivational Quotes of the Day
The Quotation Page
Peggies Place
One-liners and Proverbs: Short quotes, sayings, proverbs, and one-liners that provoke laughter or deep thoughts
Journey of The Heart - A Healing Place in CyberSpace
An Inspirational Guide for the Recovering Soul  

Humor, music, literature and art, are important parts of my life!   Below are some sites for our needed daily laugh! 
Weird Stories - Truth is funnier than fiction - in archives or by e-mail
Therapeutic Humor
Dumb Laws (truth is often funnies than fiction)
SATIRE: the following site is fun, IF YOU ARE NOT EASILY OFFENDED
Virtual Church of the Blind Chihuahua

Take a personality test on-line, learn your personality temperament type; learn about the descriptions of various personality temperaments and types, including those of famous people; review of books, click below:
Personality: Character and Temperament: Keirsey Temperament Sorter

Do you have a home page or web site that you would like to have listed with many search engines and/or directories? If yes, click on "Add Me!" below to learn how. 
Add Me! Submit your site everywhere for free, instantly!

Truth About Computer Virus Myths & Hoaxes

RefDesk GREAT SITE - The single best source for FACTS on the net! Reference Desk


For genealogy currently on-line you should check Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet: as of  January 21, 2011 she had over 281,420 links categorized and cross-referenced, in over 180 categories, and another many more new, uncategorized links she was working on. This is THE place to start your research!
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet

Western Photo's by Howard Anderson

Alaska Photographs by Howard Anderson

Cactus Flowers and other Desert Flowers photos by Howard Anderson

Northern California Redwoods photos by Howard Anderson

+ + + + + + + + + +

Used with permission from the author
Leslie H. Sobin M.D., FRCPath

CARCINOID by Leslie H. Sobin M.D., FRCPath Chief

By the shores of Duodenum

where the Villi ply the chyle

Heed Ampulla's tale of Carcinoid

beside the River Bile.

There had come three Pious Patches

from the distant ileal bowel

Most concerned with submucosal growths

were they fair or foul.

Oh do tell us Great Ampulla

savants say they're Carcinoid

Does it mean we're doomed or is it

something that we can avoid.

So upon the slopes of Oddi

Pious Patches harkened well

To the teachings of Ampulla

as diurnal acid fell.

Now genetically they're endocrine

a tribe diffuse spread wide

From well north of the Pylorus

to the colon's distal side.

They're derived from the Kulchitsky clan for silver they've attractions

Filled with amines hormones peptides a rich source of gut reactions.

Tell us why they turn malignant

and a course aimed at aggression

Is it overstimulation

or perhaps gene derepression?

Can they ever be benign

and alike an adenoma

Or are all potential dragons

and akin to carcinoma?

They're most frequent in appendix

where behavior's largely mellow

Filled with serotonin granules

on cut surface brightly yellow.

If they compromise the lumen

the result is suppuration

It's a blessing in disguise

leads to early extirpation.

Woe the Carcinoids of ileum

present when more advanced

Can be into mesenteric fat

their distant spread's enhanced.

Nodules those within the rectum

by palpation are detected

They are typically well localized

and easily resected.

Often having acid phosphatase

and nesting in the wall

Masquerading as prostatic

do avoid this overcall.

In the duodenum there exists


It's a lesion quite distinctive

with small bodies of psammoma.

When anemia is pernicious

then in gastric

wall are grown Tiny carcinoid-like foci

their potential is unknown.

Gastrinoma lies in pancreas

as far as near the spleen

Causing many peptic ulcers

on the shores of Duode'en.

An appendiceal variety

has goblet cells and mucin

Can be dangerous aggressive

more metastases producing.

Note the Carcinoid's growth patterns

they're of diagnostic use

You'll find insular trabecular

gland-like and diffuse.

Almost all argyrophilic

about half argentaffin

With an enolase they're positive

dense granules by EM.

Periodically their name is changed

for instance APUDoma

Neuroendocrinic tumor

or Kulchitsky carcinoma.

Although changing names is stylish

it adds little but confusion

Stick to what is widely understood

yes that is my conclusion.

So the Pious Patches back they sailed

to Ileum's far shore

To the enigmatic carcinoid

and what fate had in store.

The author Leslie H. Sobin M.D., FRCPath Chief

Dr. Sobin serves as director of the Center for Scientific Publications. About two thirds of his time is available to the Division of Gastrointestinal Pathology. Dr. Sobin is associate editor of the AFIP Atlas of Tumor Pathology, chairman of the TNM/Prognostic Factors Project of the International Union Against Cancer and member of the World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Advisory Panel on Cancer.

Dr. Sobin is professor of pathology at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) and adjunct professor of pathology, Georgetown University Medical College.

Since 1996 --- when I first located others with Carcinoid --- I have answered every email sent to me, although some replies were delayed longer than I liked. I am NO longer able to reply to all e-mails due to the volume and other things going on in my life (all good).  I do love hearing from others, but an unable to reply to all individually.  I shall not forget my many Carcinoid friends and of course shall reply to you … as time permits. 
This web site was 20 years old on April 27, 2017.

Since my husband "retired" I am away from my computer for days, and sometimes, weeks at a time.  Yes, there is wireless internet and we have tried that a number of places.  But, if I deal with email when we are away from home then it is not a "restful vacation" for me.

PLEASE use the SEARCH capability at the top my pages.  You may search for a word, a phrase, a drug, a treatment, a book title or anything you can think of. You may search this site only, or search the complete World Wide Web.

To speak with a person please know you may call the “telephone information and support line” of the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, Inc. (CCF), Tuesday through Thursday  10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern Time at  1-888-722-3132 (free) or 1-914-693-1001.   “The information and support line” is staffed by medical professionals.   Mondays and Fridays are research days, if you call then and do not reach a person do leave a clear message.  The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation’s (CCF) superb web site is at http://www.carcinoid.org

CCF -  Serving the carcinoid/NETs  patient and medical community for nearly 50 years
(chartered in 1968)
   “Meets Extensive Standards of America’s Most Experienced Charity Evaluator”
Better Business Bureau

DISCLAIMER:  I am a patient and NOT a medical doctor or health care professional.  I share information and links to information that has been helpful to me and that I believe to be correct and good, but I cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information, except for MY stories.  I urge you not to rely only on this information but I believe you should discuss your situation and information with your medical doctors and/or other medical professionals.  "Sunny" Susan Anderson

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Copyright © 1997-2014 Susan L. Anderson. All Rights Reserved.
Last modified: 07/19/15